Fabio Pacifici received his Ph.D. degree in GeoInformation from Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy, in 2010. He also received the Laurea Specialistica (M.Sc.; cum laude) and Laurea (B.Sc.; cum laude) degrees in telecommunication engineering from the same University, in 2006 and 2003, respectively. He is a Sr. Staff Scientist at DigitalGlobe, where he has been working since 2009. Between 2005 and 2009, he collaborated as Visiting Scientist with the Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder. He has been involved in various remote sensing projects commissioned by the European Space Agency.
His research activities include processing of remote sensing images, data fusion, feature extraction, pattern recognition, and analysis of multi-angular and multi-temporal data. His interests include classification and change detection techniques for urban remote sensing applications using very high spatial resolution optical and/or synthetic aperture radar imagery, with special emphasis on machine learning. He has authored (or co-authored) more than 70 scientific publications including journal papers, book chapters, and peer-reviewed conference proceedings.
Dr. Pacifici is the current Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing eNewsletter and serves as Associate Editor for the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS). He served as Chair of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Data Fusion Technical Committee (2011-2013). He received the Best Paper Award from the 6th IEEE GRSS Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS) in Lausanne, Switzerland in 2014. He received the 2011 Best Reviewer Award from IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society for his service to IEEE JSTARS. He was the recipient of the Best Student Paper award at the 2009 IEEE GRSS Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE), in Shanghai, China. He also ranked First at the 2007, 2008 and 2009-2010 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Data Fusion Contest. He currently serves as a member of Technical Committee for the Joint Urban Event, and for the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. He has been the Guest Editor of a special issue of the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing on multi-angular remote sensing.